The Mother Road turned 85 this year...she will be here long after I am. It saddened me to see all the broken down places that were so vital to 66's economy in the past, but I was encouraged to see so many old hotels/motels/restaurants/other icons of Rt. 66 still surviving or being restored and saved for future generations. It was also interesting to see the new sights, those built in recent years, to continue the trend of providing travelers with new places to visit.
Personally, I learned some things about myself. I'm not as young as I was last time I did this drive--11 yrs older to be exact. Some mornings I started later and some evenings I stopped earlier. Regarding time spent on the road each day, I learned when enough was enough.
I learned that I could do this--I could travel on my own for weeks, take care of myself despite my medical issues and delays (and with the help of friends and family along the way!) and keep on going. At the beginning of this blog I said this trip was one way of separating my full-time working life with my semi-retirement. I learned that I am a resourceful (and maybe even a bit courageous) person, and I'll be just fine in this new chapter of my life.
Thanks to all who read this blog and commented, whether on the blog, via email or Facebook, or in person. It was great fun to get the feedback. Even though this is the end of Rt. 66, I continued on, and will still include some highlights of my trip east. Stay tuned!
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