Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tetons and Yellowstone

Even though I decided not to spend time at the Tetons or Yellowstone, I couldn't resist being so close and not driving through.  Some photos (and reading material!)...

Probably the only photo of me alone on this trip--the rest were with family and friends.  I met and chatted with two young guys, probably in their twenties with a teenage boy along...I think all brothers.  They asked me to take a photo of the 3 of them with their camera, and then asked if I'd like a photo of myself on my camera, so I agreed.  Note the tallest peak, Grand Teton--they had climbed about 10,000 ft of it the day before, and said there was still a good distance to the top!

Just to give you some perspective of the "grandness"

Across the street was a herd of bison--pretty far away--this one walked into the clearing for a moment.

Looking back after driving by...

On to Yellowstone.  I was in Yellowstone in 2000; I had gotten up early in the morning (having camped there) to drive through.  I was almost alone on the road and saw numerous animals, Old Faithful, and beautiful scenery.  This time I arrived around noon, along with a zillion other friends, and saw no animals until the end--you'll see later.  I stopped at Old Faithful, drove around the Old Faithful parking lot for twenty minutes and finally parked in the last row, getting to the geyser minutes after it erupted, meaning a 90 minute wait for the next time.  It was crowded, hot, I had trouble walking (having smacked my toe on a rock in CA), and I wanted to get to my brothers, so I decided to pass on the geyser.  I think time is needed to fully appreciate the beauty of this park--it can't be seen via a quick drive-through.

There was a forest fire in Yellowstone, even before my last trip can see the regrowth.

Some falls...

Another crossing of the Divide.

The geyser between eruptions...staying cool!

In Mammoth Hot Springs, there were elk in two locations, a park area and a circle of grass to the side of the road.  A few of the many photos I took...

The North Entrance/Exit to Yellowstone.

I continued north to stay in Montana for the night.  More to come.

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