Tuesday, August 23, 2011

There's no place like home--my final posting

So here I am, safe and sound in my own driveway.

Some info about my trip:


        Total:                         8,326
        Most in a day:               535

Trip length:

         Total:                             52 days
         Days on the road            27
         Days in motels                20
         Days in campground         1
         Days with fam/frnds        29
         Days in hospital                2


          Total cost of gas:        $821.11 for 225.6 gallons
          Cost per gallon:          highest--$3.89/gal, lowest--$3.29/gal, average cost--$3.63/gal
          Motel cost:                  highest--$85.00/night, lowest--$32.89

States traveled through:

           Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri,
           Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming,
           Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and back again through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio,
           Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

           24 different states, some twice

           When I travel I always play that kid's game, writing down all the license plates I see. 
            I got every state but three--Alaska, Hawaii, and Delaware!

What an adventure I had!!  I am in true awe of the beauty of our country.  Many of us travel to other countries when we vacation; we have so much to see and learn about in our own back yard.  I have new appreciation for the varied landscapes, the different accents I heard, and the kindness of people everywhere I traveled.

I took over 1300 photos, so if you look through this blog, you'll only see a small representation.  I hope I've inspired some of you to get out on the road and go exploring--maybe not for 52 days, but for a couple.

Thank you once more to those of you who followed me along the way.  I always knew there was lots of love and support with me on the road.  



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