Monday, July 25, 2011

Burma Shave signs

I shared a couple of Burma Shave signs in previous posts.  There were a bunch in Arizona, which served to break up the long desert stretches.  As I showed you before, a verse of sorts would be broken into four lines, each line on a separate sign.  At the end would be a sign for Burma Shave.  Here are two photos: the red sign is a newer version even though I think they used original verses.  The white one is an old sign I found at the Snow Cap in Seligman--more about that later. 

Burma Shave Verses

Twould be more fun
to go by air
if we could put
these signs up there
Burma Shave

He tried to cross
as the fast train neared
death didn't draft him
he volunteered
Burma Shave 

Angels who guard you
when you drive
usually retire
at sixty-five
Burma Shave

The one who drives
when he's been drinking
depends on you
to do his thinking
Burma Shave

If daisies are your
favorite flower
keep pushin' up
those miles-per-hour
Burma Shave

Cattle crossing
means go slow
that old bull
is some cow's beau
Burma Shave

Thirty days
hath September
April, June
and the speed offender
Burma Shave

You can drive
a mile a minute
but there is no 
future in it
Burma Shave 

Since I can't post photos right now, I'll wait until my next stop to continue.

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