Back to Texas...
This is the U Drop Inn, notable for the style of architecture--unusual for Texas. It's in Shamrock.
This is either a replica or what's left of an old sign that invited people to visit a place--not sure if they had the snakes there, or it was a warning!
Bet you've never been in ANY barbed wire museum, let alone the World's Largest!! In McLean.
This is a leaning water tower. People think that it has a short leg, but the lean has more to do with the ground underneath--I'll fill in more later. From Groom.
Next is one of the attractions that I most looked forward to seeing again...Cadillac Ranch outside of Amarillo. It was set up in 1974, towards the end of the route, in protest to high gas prices...ten Cadillac buried. You will see cans laying around--people bring paint cans to add to the graffitti.
My friend is coming to pick me up momentarily, so this is all for this post.
It's been wonderful to rest and recuperate. We're going to do a bit of exploring this afternoon and tomorrow, so I'll report more about the area later.
Karin - Your blog is great! Glad you are healthy and back on Rt 66.