Saturday, July 30, 2011

California at last!

After Oatman, I drove as far as Needles, California, just over the border.  It is the home of Charles Schulz of Peanuts fame.  And for being one of the hottest places in the country.  I was actually getting used to temps over 100--you know how they say it is a "dry" heat!

Imagine being on Rt. 66 back in the '30's, thinking you are almost at the end, near the Pacific Ocean, only to have to continue driving across the desert.  There were times that I was nervous, I will admit.  I made sure I had plenty of gas and water.  I would go many miles without meeting other cars on the road, and wondered how travelers in the early years made it.  I guess some didn't.  Cars broke down in the desert, and people died.

So, here are some photos on the road...

Falling down house in Goffs

Essex is where Gen. Patton trained his troops in the Mojave Desert to prepare them for confrontation with Gen Rommel's (the Fox) troops in North Africa.  The training served them well when it was time for fighting.
Photos from the area.

Cadiz Summit...tourist complex ruins covered with graffiti.

Amboy--Roy's Cafe, Amboy Crater.  The Crater, a dormant volcano, was an interesting place.  I drove for a mile or so and came to a huge parking lot--no one there, then to a smaller parking lot, I was still alone. There's a ramp to walk up to a sheltered area to view the crater.  Still alone.  As I drove away, finally another car arrived.  Wondered if it was busier in the day.

Time is short today.  I probably won't write again until Monday night on the road.  Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the photos and words, Karin. Enjoyed all. Have a safe trip east and fun in Lake George.
    Love Cindy
