Saturday, July 23, 2011

Good to be with a nurse!

I was so  happy to see my friends in Payson.  Kay is a nurse, and  being concerned about my medical issues on the trip, she absolutely took care of me.  When I arrived she had a bowl of the best chicken soup I've ever had ready for me, along with a nice glass of wine.

During my visit, I mostly laid low and spent time catching up with my friends.  They lived in Maine and moved to Arizona 11 years ago.  I only see them for brief visits when they come to Maine, so it was great to have lazy time with them.  We did venture out for two day trips.  Payson is about 90 min. north of Phoenix, right about in the middle of the state.  It is around 5,000 ft, keeping it cooler than "the valley".  The area is called Rim Country because of the Mongollon Rim which it's surrounded by.  One day we went to the rim...beautiful countryside and views.

On a different day, we went to Jerome, an old mining town that almost died out.  It has been resurrected as an art colony of sorts, with lots of old hippie-type people around!  It's set on the side of a hill, and walking around can take your breath away--because of the altitude and the steep roads.

Ruin of hotel

Hotel Connor

Grand Hotel--once a hospital.  We went here and shared the most decadent chocolate cake I've ever had!

A Barrymore's car (Lionel, I think).  Being refurbished. 

View of Jerome on the hill, and looking out from the town.

Finally, there are as many elk in the Payson area as moose in northern Maine.  I kept wanting to see one, so the night before I left, Bob took me to the elk-spotting places, and I saw a bunch.  Unfortunately, it was starting to get dark, and the elk don't hold still like moose do, but here's "proof".

Back to Rt. 66 for the next posting...

1 comment:

  1. Barbara and I saw lots of elk in Rocky Mt National Park- herds would graze along the highway and of course, there was some stupid person (or persons) that would get out of the car and try to see how close he could get. Stay safe!
